Three Steps To Get Your Flea Infestation Under Control

Though any type of pest infestation is difficult to deal with, flea infestations have a reputation for being particularly problematic to deal with. Even individuals who do not own pets can find their homes overrun with fleas. If you are currently battling fleas in your home, follow these tips to get the infestation under control once and for all.

1. Wash All Bedding

Fleas can easily hide in bedding, especially if it is in an area that your pet likes to frequent. Even if you don't have pets, you still need to launder any plush items to make sure that they are not harboring fleas.

For pillows and pet beds, it isn't enough to simply wash the covers; you need to wash the entire pillow or bed, including the stuffing, in hot, soapy water to kill all of the fleas. Make sure to also wash any plush toys or stuffed animals.

2. Vacuum, Sweep, and Mop Repeatedly

The entire flea life cycle takes approximately three to four weeks. This means that you need to be vigilant about keeping your home clean until the fleas have gone through their entire lifecycle to make sure you have removed them all. If you don't remove the fleas from your home, they can jump right back onto your pet.

Physically removing fleas, eggs, and larvae is an important step in managing your infestation. A vacuum cleaner can effectively remove fleas at all stages of their life cycle. Make sure to throw the vacuum bag away to ensure you remove the fleas from your home. If you have a reusable vacuum canister, empty the contents into an airtight bag and wash the canister using hot soapy water.

If your home has tile or wooden flooring, you can sweep and mop these areas to remove the fleas. When cleaning, make sure to get underneath the surfaces of your furniture, as fleas love dark areas.

Some homeowners find that the services of a pest control company are necessary, especially if their homes are large or the infestation has spread to their yard.

3. Treat Your Pets for Fleas and Remove Any Other Pests in Your Home That May Be Harboring Fleas

If you own vets, it is essential to treat them with a monthly flea product. Ask your vet for recommendations as to what types of products are recommended for the type of flea species in your area.

Those who do not own pets but still have fleas need to make sure they remove or treat any animals on their property that may be carrying the fleas. Rats, mice, raccoons, and stray animals can all harbor fleas and contribute to an infestation. To learn more, contact a company like Alliance Pest Management, Inc.
