Termite Damage And Homeowners Insurance: Not Always Hand-In-Hand

If you have termite damage in the home, you may be wondering if this is something that could be covered by your homeowners insurance. After all, it is damage done to your home that can go so far as to destroy major areas of your home that are costly to repair. Here's what you need to know about this:

Generally Not Covered: 

Generally, termite damage is not going to be covered by your homeowners insurance for the simple fact that the damage done by termites is seen as neglect on your part. As a homeowner, you are expected to keep up with regular maintenance, which includes regularly scheduled pest inspections. On top of this, termites are noticeable pretty early on before damages occur. If you notice any wood shavings on the floor, termite skins, or you even see a termite around the house, you need to call for pest control right away. They will be able to completely remove the termites before you have a chance to think about getting damages to your home covered. 

There are Exceptions: 

There are some exceptions when it comes to getting termite damage covered. For example, if your home has been hit by a huge storm, it then makes your home the perfect breeding ground for termites because of the rot and buildup of water. If the storm was so big that you were put out of the house for some time, the termite damage could've even begun before you could return back home. In these situations, damages from termites will be covered, but keep in mind that your home will be assessed to determine that the termites were there after the storm, not before. 

Some Loss May be Covered:

It's helpful to know that some repercussions of termite damage may be covered. For example, if a beam has collapsed in your home due to termite damage and it broke your TV set, then there will be coverage for the damages here with the exception of the beam. 

Be sure that if you have any questions about the termite damage in your home, you talk with your homeowners insurance agent. To ensure that damage is avoided at all costs, it's best to hire pest control as soon as you notice signs. Even if damage has occurred, though, it's still important to get rid of the termites first before moving forward with any kind of repairs. For more information, contact a business such as Quality Pest Control.
