How Does Residential Pest Prevention Work?

Residential preventative pest control can save properties from significant damage. Likewise, homeowners can benefit from the reduction in pest-related annoyances. Before you commit to a residential pest prevention project, you might want to know how the process typically works. These five things usually feature in preventative efforts.


A contractor will want to know what they're up against before they make too many recommendations. They will search for signs of pest damage, such as sawdust left over from pests gnawing on wood and scat where the critters have traveled back and forth. Similarly, they will look around the places where homeowners say there have heard noises or seen pests. The contractor will then assess how the pests are getting into the house so they can then choose preventative measures.


Generally, pest problems start with holes and cracks. Consequently, residential pest prevention tends to start with finding and sealing those locations. The contractor will need to seal the pests' access points from both the inside and outside. If you're dealing with problems like birds or bats, they may need to check for loose flashing, siding, or roofing materials.


Some pests use trees and bushes to access houses. For example, a squirrel might jump from a tree onto your home's roof. From there, the squirrel will use an opening to get into the walls. Essentially, the tree's limbs are acting as bridges that allow the squirrel to close the gap to the house. Trimming these back as much as possible can reduce the odds a pest will get into your home.

Bushes and trees also act as habitats for pests. In extreme cases, homeowners may have to remove the plants to deny these spaces to the animals.


You can't close all of the openings in most houses. For example, many attics have spaces that allow the roof to breathe. Similarly, many drainage systems lead from the roof to the ground.

In these cases, a contractor may need to install screens over the openings. Water and air will move as expected, but critters won't be able to get into these spaces.


If pests are intruding through the softer materials in a house, it might be time to upgrade them. For example, mice could be getting through drywall by chewing. You may need to add a metal barrier inside of the wall to deny the mice anything too soft to chew through.

For more information, contact a residential pest prevention professional near you.
